One popular alternative to laser tattoo design is art tattoo design

Friday, June 18, 2010

Butterfly Tattoos Designs

Larger and stylized or miniature and classic, Butterfly tattoos are particular popular on lower back and chest tattooing decoration because the peculiar symmetry and color of their wings, although this type of tattoo can be worn on whatever other area of your body that you would prefer.

For many people butterflies are the expression of freedom, and there are between 15,000 to 20,000 common and well-known butterfly species around the world to choose from for your Butterfly Tattoos designs.

Some of those butterflies are the Common Yellow Swallowtail, Spicebush Swallowtail, Lime Butterfly, Small White, Green-veined White, Common Jezebel, Xerces Blue, Karner Blue, Red Pierrot, Lange's Metalmark Butterfly, Plum Judy, Painted Lady or Cosmopolite, and the famous Monarch butterfly.

Some other Butterfly Tattoos designs may be based on uncommon species, such as the Ornithoptera genus, also known as birdwings, and the largest of all butterflies, and the Lycaeides Melissa samuelis, an endangered butterfly. Although, it is not necessary to have a deep knowledge of butterflies to choose the tattoo that you like the most.

There is a difference between moths and butterflies, both of which are confused between each other frequently and many people consider that a butterfly is just a day flying moth. As versatile as they are, Butterfly Tattoos designs can be the mix of both butterflies and moths. In addition, because butterflies live on nectar from flowers, many tattooists design them flying above, beside, or on them.

In the United States, several states have adopted butterflies, whether as official mascot, butterflies or insects that you can pick to create you own Butterfly Tattoos designs. Some of such states are:

Alabama, Monarch Butterfly and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Arizona, Two-tailed Swallowtail
California, California Dogface Butterfly
Colorado, Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly
Delaware, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Florida, Zebra Longingly
Georgia, Tiger swallowtail
Idaho, Monarch Butterfly
Illinois, Monarch Butterfly
Kentucky, Viceroy Butterfly
Maryland, Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly
Minnesota, Monarch Butterfly
Mississippi, Spicebush Swallowtail
Montana, Mourning cloak
New Hampshire, Karner Blue
Oklahoma, Black Swallowtail
Oregon, Oregon Swallowtail
South Carolina, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Tennessee, Zebra Swallowtail
Texas, Monarch Butterfly (State insect)
Vermont, Monarch Butterfly
Virginia, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
West Virginia, Monarch Butterfly

Butterfly Tattoos designs are suitable for men and women, and are also associated with spirituality. You can get some ideas by browsing online catalogs and galleries, as well as books and magazines available at your local library. Remember that butterflies can be portraits that are as realistic as a photograph, or as funny as a cartoon. Butterflies are also excellent motif for psychedelic and abstract designs.

butterfly tattoo

blue butterfly tattoo

blue butterfly Tattoo

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